$47.00 USD

Would you like to get personalized feedback on five of your photos? 

Get direct, tailored for you, and actionable guidance on how to overcome the unique challenges you're facing in your photography. 

Usually $75
Just $50 when you add it to the cart now


30 years of photography experience - distilled into 4 core classes

Your journey to mastering photography without relying on gear begins here. Welcome aboard!

What you'll get:

  • Learning To See Course
  • Loving Light Workshop
  • Authentic Vision Framework
  • Tools Of Composition

Only available as this bundle until the 30th of September

100% no questions asked, money-back guarantee 

What People Are Saying:

You have a delightful way of relaying your knowledge and revisiting the essential basics with which to invigorate the re-birthing of seeing. Refreshing and enjoyable to watch many times over when required.

John Landau