Radio Silence
Nov 25, 2023Excuse the radio silence from last week.
I've been visiting a friend in America and I had some sort of error with sending out a newsletter to you.
I often chat about trying to see things in a new light when it comes to finding subjects to photograph.
Whilst there are aways things to photograph whever you find yourself, going to somewhere new does of course help!
The last fortnight that I've been away I've been photographing some, what I think are fairly average everyday objects - street signs, traffic lights, and the (to me at least) ever popular parking garages!
Something I'm trying on this trip to America is to photograph anything that catches my attention. In the past I've occasionally thought to myself, 'I won't bother photographing that', because I think I'll come back when the light is better, or the weather is nicer or some other random reason.
Of course being on a holiday means these places and things I see are essentially a one shot deal.
So it's given my photography a bit more purpose and focus - something I want to carry through to my photography when I'm back in the UK.
This is also doubly important as I was talking with a photographer the other day (the interview will be going up on TPE when I'm back next week) about how he compiled, funded and sold books of his photography.
The idea of putting together a book of my own images has been bubbling away in the back of my head now for some time.
One of the things Ed talked about was the idea of having a set of images that work together in a common theme. This travelling around Baltimore has been a chance to start exploring ideas about what I'd like to see in my photography.
I have the broad idea (shape, angles, form) but it's time to now dive a bit deeper.
If you'd like to check out some more of the images on Instagram you can here:
Thanks again for spending time with me today!